bullseye awards

ESCAPETHEROOMers' choice awards
Every year we recognize some of the "best" games we've played throughout the year. "Best" is a relative term and we don't think it needs to be singular or honor just one winner in each category. With a team of 14 reviewers, we've played approximately 1,200+ games in the categories of "In-Person Escape Rooms", "Live-Hosted Games", "Tabletop Games" and "Online Games". Below are essentially our top 10% of the games we like to honor with an award this year.
Starting from the "individual category" awards, we feel that these games stood out in one of these categories: "Set Design", "Puzzle Design", "Fun Atmosphere", "Cooperative Elements", "Innovative Ideas" "Print-N-Cut", "Illustrations", "Unique Storyline" or "Characters".
In our "theme category" awards, these were games we felt best represented a certain theme with their design, puzzles, and storytelling. The 4 categories were "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Horror" and "Mystery".
Finally our most prestigious category, "Best Overall", were games that we felt hit all the targets in terms of set design, story, immersion, and puzzles. These were given in categories of "App/Video/VR Games", "Table-top Games", "Digital Games", "Live-Hosted Games", "Immersive Experience" and "In-Person Escape Rooms"
Congratulations to all the winners!