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Cici Cao
Jun 13, 20224 min read
Bluefish Games - "The Hincks Gazette Boxed Set #1 (Vol. 1, Issues 2-6)"
After having so much fun with the first issue ("The Curious Elevator of Mr. Hincks"), we were eager to get into this Gazette set. Each newsl

Cici Cao
Aug 15, 20202 min read
Bluefish Games - "The Curious Stairs of Mr. Hincks"
Yippee! We've longed for another game from Bluefish Games after playing their "The Curious Elevator of Mr. Hincks" and now it's finally here

Cici Cao
Jun 4, 20203 min read
Bluefish Games - "The Curious Elevator of Mr. Hincks"
Up, up we go! "The Curious Elevator of Mr. Hincks" was easily one of our favorite "puzzle by mail" category winners.
You'll receive a whol
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