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Spencer is Puzzling - "Lost in the Shuffle"
This is a not a normal deck of playing cards. It's a deck of cards filled with puzzles handcrafted by the creator, Spencer Beebe. You'll hav
Cici Cao
Oct 17, 20225 min read

Flying Leap Games - "Wing It: The Game of Extreme Storytelling"
Wing It is a hilarious storytelling and problem-solving game. You and your friends pit your imaginations against each other as you dream up
Mike Schnurr
Jul 17, 20224 min read

Plankton Games - "Doctor Esker's Notebook" & "Son of Doctor Esker's Notebook"
Dr. Esker mysteriously disappeared. The only clues he's left for you are in these decks of cards. Will you stand up to his challenge and may
Cici Cao
Feb 20, 20214 min read
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