Foulplay Games - "Cabin #5"
Rita Orlov & Jack Fallows - "The Light in the Mist"
Puzzle Effect & Hourglass Escapes - "NOVA"
Diorama - "The Vandermist Dossier"
Mobile Escapes - "The Prestigious Booking" & "The Cyber Drop"
Crimibox - "Missing In Jericho"
2021 RECON: REcap
Puzzletember - A Month Full of Puzzles & Prizes!!!
Don't Eat Puzzles - "The Antikythera Tablets"
Escape The Crate - "Escape The Yeti"
Puzzlesnacks - "Puzzlesnacks"
The Deadbolt Mystery Society - "Last Resort"
Sultans of Solve - "The Clock Winder"
The Conundrum Box - "Maui's Curse"
Enigma Fellowship - "The Submerged Sentinel"
Vortex Events (Formerly Fantasy Escape Games) - "Space Defenders"
The Curious Correspondence Club - "Chapter X: What Lies Beneath"
The Curious Correspondence Club - "Chapter XI: Floor Sixty-Four"
Thames & Kosmos - "Exit The Game: The Sacred Temple"
Webscapade - "Season 0: Welcome to Argenia!"