Mystery Escape Room - "Moriarty's Parlor" and "Return to Treasure Island"
Seize The Show - "Rubix Control"
Great Scott Escapes - "Who Killed Bugsy Marlowe?"
Modern Treasure Hunt - "The VOC Treasure"
Castle Crusaders - "Jacobe Castle"
Crux Club - "Mob Treasure"
eScape-room.UK - "The Fitzwilliam Heirs"
Puzzling Hunts - "SLEIGHLINK II - Santa's Secret Mission"
Post-A-Puzzle By Escape Rooms Cardiff - "Post-a-Puzzle"
Hidden Key Escapes - "The Hideaway"
Serial Events - "SPG: Serial Proving Grounds"
Patrones & Escondites - "UNMEMORY"
Mobile Escape - "Escape Mail - S01E05: Lost Library"
Mobile Escape - "Escape Mail - S01E06: Quiet As The Grave"
Caravan of Wonders - "HACKCESS"
REMOTE: Escape Rooms Ennis - "The Beach Bar"
Fast Familiar - "National Elf Service"
Blueprint Gaming Concepts - "Crimes In History: H.H. Holmes' Murder Castle (2nd Story Expansion)"
REMOTE: Wiseminds Escape Rooms - "Operation Web Worm"
REMOTE: Lost Escape - "The End?"