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The Escape Room - "The Blind Tiger"
It's 1920's America and that means prohibition. Organized criminals like mafia boss Maximillian Malone are making a killing on illegal booze
Kevin Helock
Oct 31, 20234 min read

The Escape Room - "World on Edge"
It's the middle of the Cold War, and the world stage is far from comfortable. The USA and the USSR are locked in a battle of escalating tens
Kevin Helock
Oct 23, 20234 min read

The Escape Game - "Space Race | Mission: Mars"
Your ship suffered from severe damage when you landed on Mars. Other than this issue, the radiation level is rising, communication with Comm
Cici Cao
Jun 19, 20214 min read

The Escape Game - TEG Unlocked: "49ers Unlocked"
It's a really important press conference day for the 49ers. Just before the conference, they noticed that all their precious trophies have g
Cici Cao
Mar 20, 20214 min read

The Escape Game - TEG Unlocked: "Rogue Scientist 1990"
It is the year 1990. We've been informed by International Reconnaissance (AIR) agency that one of their scientist, Dr. Humphreys went rogue.
Cici Cao
Oct 1, 20202 min read

The Escape Game - "Hanna Unlocked"
How many of you have watched Hanna on Amazon? We saw the movie Hanna back in 2011 with Saoirse Ronan, Eric Banaactually, and Cate Blanchett.
Cici Cao
Jul 8, 20202 min read

The Escape Game - TEG Unlocked: The Heist "Vol. 1: Chasing Hahn" & "Vol. 2: The Silk Road"
We have always been a fan of The Escape Game's physical escape rooms, so we were very excited to try out their digital games. "The Heist" wa
Cici Cao
May 30, 20203 min read
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