The Detective Society - "Trouble In Folklore Falls - Episode 2 & 3"
The Detective Society - "Family Adventures"
Breakout Chester - "Forgotten Tomb"
Super Secret Decoder - "Captain Montgomery & The Mystery Mansion Mini-Adventure"
Breakout Chester - "Dead End"
Bewilder Box Escape Room - "Judgement D.A.V.E."
Enigma Rooms Wakefield - "Uncle Artemis"
Pier Pressure Escape Rooms - "Modrophenia"
Escape Coalville - "JM's Office"
Bust Out 360: Essex - "Samurai"
Pier Pressure Escape Rooms - "Pavilion Perplex"
Escape Coalville - "Jane Doe"
Bust Out 360: Essex - "Rockstar"
Punchdrunk - "The Burnt City"
Escape in Time! - "Secret Studio London"
Pier Pressure Escape Rooms - "Loot the Lanes"
Bust Out 360: Essex - "Head Chef"
Escape Coalville - "The Coal Mine"
PerpleXed Escape Rooms - "The Curse of Captain Kraken"
Paper Adventures - “The Great Space Escape”