Castle Crusaders - "Jacobe Castle"
Bafflements Games (Formerly History Mystery) - "MI9: Evade & Escape"
eScape-room.UK - "The Fitzwilliam Heirs"
REMOTE: Unlocked: Escape Room - "The Return of the Magician"
Patrones & Escondites - "UNMEMORY"
Finders Seekers - "Welcome to London!"
Mobile Escape - "Escape Mail - S01E05: Lost Library"
Mobile Escape - "Escape Mail - S01E06: Quiet As The Grave"
REMOTE: Escape Rooms Ennis - "The Beach Bar"
Blueprint Gaming Concepts - "Crimes In History: H.H. Holmes' Murder Castle (2nd Story Expansion)"
REMOTE: Lost Escape - "The End?"
Hatch Escapes - "Mother of Frankenstein: Volume One" (Prototype)
REMOTE: BREAK the BRAIN - "Freakshow"
REMOTE: Mysterious Room - "Mayan Temple Mystery"
The Curious Correspondence Club - "Chapter IV: The Moonlight Escapade"
Cryptogram Puzzle Post - "The Illustrated Puzzle Story"
EscapeSF - "The Pegasus Project"
REMOTE: Mystery Mansion Regina - "D'Vile's Curio Shoppe"
Shine On Collective - "Welcome Home"
Pod klobúkom - "The Story Begins...", "Quarantine", "Microscoped"