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Cici Cao
Sep 1, 20233 min read
Meow Wolf - All (3) locations - "House of Eternal Return", "Omega Mart", and "Convergence Station"!!
At "House of Eternal Return", people of all ages are encouraged to explore a curious family home, a mysterious tragedy born out of scientifi
Brandon Chow
Oct 20, 20223 min read
Escape In Time - "Amarna Letters"
Queen Ankhesenamun has gone missing! King Tut is very worried and has decided to sent you on a mission to find her. What clues might you fin
Brandon Chow
Oct 20, 20223 min read
Escape In Time - "Captain Morgan"
As part of Captain Morgan's crew, you might be facing trial in England. Your only hope for freedom is to find the treasure that he has hidde
Cici Cao
Oct 17, 20223 min read
New Mexico Escape Room - "Bombshell"
You've been summoned by your organization to take down a very bad and powerful man, Vittorio Bosargio. But it seems like things aren't going
Cici Cao
Oct 14, 20223 min read
Puzzah! Santa Fe - "Night Shade"
There's a restaurant in town called "Sir Pizza-Lot" and rumor has it, it's been haunted by medieval knights! You don't believe in spirits so
Cici Cao
Oct 13, 20223 min read
Puzzah! Santa Fe - "M.A.S.K."
You are part of an elite crime-fighting squad called M.A.S.K. Headquarters has just phoned you to come in to help take down the cyber-terro
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