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Breakout Unboxed - "The Wizard's Apprentice"

Updated: May 1

Above photo has been provided by Breakout Unboxed

Company: Breakout Unboxed

Game: The Wizard's Apprentice

Country: United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Language: English

Type of Game: Puzzles By Mail 📬

Genre: Fantasy

Date Played: 5/5/2021

Difficulty (based on 2 players): 5/10

Size of Team: Unlimited

Time: Unlimited (Suggested play time approx. 90-150 min)

Price: £27.00


A mysterious box arrived at your doorsteps. Inside, you find a letter stating that you actually have magic powers from your bloodline. Is this real or a hoax? Only time will tell...

Above video has been provided by Breakout Unboxed


"The Wizard's Apprentice" came in a cardboard box. It's pretty light and easy to carry incase you wanted to take it with you on the road. Inside, you'll find a large envelope, 2 zipper bags with 3 digit locks and an instruction postcard. It may not seem like much at first but there's more to this than meets the eye. In each of the zipper bags, you'll also find a check list. If there's anything missing, you can email the company for replacements.


Other than the materials you've received in the mail, you'll also need access to the internet for this game. Once you read the intro letter, you'll be given a website. By solving the puzzles, you'll gain access to more portals. I really enjoyed the videos that accompanied the storyline. There's definitely something "magical" about them. Once the access to the zipper bags are granted, you'll have more paper clues and props to play with. The wand and wizard badge were particularly helpful with getting us into character.


Every puzzle in this game had one thing in common and that is MAGIC. Right from the beginning, we were given a little fun magic performance. From there, we started to explore the wizard realm of wards, spells, potions, broomsticks, mythical creatures and more! I love the format of using the wizard's diary for narrative and intertwining website elements for some nice "a-ha" moments. For the most part, the puzzles were very logical and we didn't use any hints (hints are available on the website if you need them) for this game. The wording on the ending puzzle was a bit confusing and we found that it was much easier to just visualize the solution. This puzzle could've been a stronger meta puzzle to tie the previous parts together.


The puzzles were not too difficult for enthusiasts (took us about 50 minutes or so to complete) but I was more drawn to the narrative. I'm a big fan of Harry Potter and anything that has to do with magic or myths. So this was right up my alley. I really felt the production value for the price. The combination of entertaining videos, realistic websites, and enchanting storyline made this game a very pleasurable experience. I can't wait to see what other games Breakout Unboxed will be coming out in the near future.

Check out our interview with the creators to understand more on the development side of these game:

(If you do decide to try this game, please remember to let them know that you heard it from"ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank Breakout Unboxed for providing us with a sample of their game. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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