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DADs Casino Party - "Holiday Dinner Rush"

Updated: Apr 28

Photos above are property of DADs Casino Party

Company: DADs Casino Party

Games: Holiday Dinner Rush

Country: USA 🇺🇸

Language: English

Type of Game: Digital Escape Game 💻

Genre: Adventure, Family

Date Played: September 15, 2021

Difficulty (based on 4 players): 5/10

Size of Team: Up to 6 Logins (Recommend 3-4 Players)

Time: 60 Minutes (Game link expires 72 hours after purchase)

Price: $4.95/Game


You and your siblings woke up late! You have little time to get everything on your mom's list ready before family arrives! Can you get everything done before the first guest arrives?

Video above is property of DADs Casino Party


Holiday Dinner Rush is a point and click game played in Telescape. Upon receiving the link, you and your members can log into the same link to start the game. There is a video/chat function embedded inside Telescape as well, so you do not need to set up a separate Zoom/Video Call with your team. While inside the game, any items that you can pick up will be stored inside an inventory system. This inventory, along with other functions such as hints, music option (12 to choose from!) etc. are all stored inside a handphone. If you drag your view towards the floor you'll be able to access the phone which is pretty convenient. There is even a mini video game inside the phone for teammates not in to puzzle solving. However our team did not try out this mini game as we were all puzzle hungry enthusiasts, trying to be the first ones to solve the puzzles.

The scene is set inside an apartment, and boy, this apartment is huge! There are so many items you can interact with and many things that require search and find. We recommend splitting the team up to explore the space. The timer will count down and you have only 60 minutes to finish the game so if you want to see the happy ending, make sure to use hints when needed as there's no penalty for using them. If time does runs out, you'll get a alternative ending.

Photos above are property of DADs Casino Party


Most of the puzzles are intuitive and straightforward. The tricky part is just knowing where to get the information needed to solve the puzzle because, as mentioned, there are things literally everywhere in the humongous house. There is a particular puzzle that I really liked. It's easy to miss but once you can see it, it really stood out as one of the most innovative puzzles I have seen. However, there was another puzzle that relies on a logical leap. There were different ways to interpret the puzzle, hence, it would be better if the wording was phrased properly so that players know what is expected of them exactly (The creator has advised us that he'll make adjustments to this puzzle). Also, as per the storyline, we are basically completing tasks before our guest arrives, so, it might be good to follow the in-game 'list of things to be done'. We had one issue in that we tried an answer, but nothing happened. After contacting the company, we were told to complete other tasks first or else even with the right answer, it'll not activate the trigger.


Overall, Holiday Dinner Rush is a family friendly game targeted more for beginners. The only time consuming part is searching the house for clues. Given all the clues at once, the puzzles themselves were on the easier side, except for 1 gem mentioned above. It also helps that while playing the game, there will be relaxing music playing in the background (you can switch it off if you want), but it really plays into the theme of this game and helps you relax and not get too stressed while solving the puzzles. For the price, this is a great way to enjoy an evening on your own if you prefer solo player games or as a group! The theme is also really great for holiday times to play with family!


(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank DADs Casino Party for comping our tickets for this game. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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