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De Gouden Kooi (The Golden Cage) - "The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus"

Updated: Jan 5

LOCATION:  Mechelen, Belgium
De Gouden Kooi (The Golden Cage)
De Gouden Kooi (The Golden Cage) - The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus

Photos above are property of De Gouden Kooi (The Golden Cage)

Photos above are property of ESCAPETHEROOMers

Date Played: March 29, 2019

Genre: Thriller, Adventure

Difficulty (Based on 4 PPL): 8.5/10

Total # of Players: 2-6 PPL

Length of Time: 70 Minutes

Price: €110/2PPL (Price varies based on group size)

Booking Type: Private

Escaped? Yes


OK, Picture this. What if Disneyland made and escape room about the Legend of Zelda but had H.P. Lovecraft as an advisor? Can you picture it? Good.

Because you don’t have to picture it anymore, this room exist in the heart of Belgium in the city of Mechelen and is 22 nd on the list of Terpeca. The place to be is The Golden Cage and where in the city it’s situated is a perfect example of what Mechelen has to offer. Lovely canals, tasty cafés and restaurants, and also the beautiful architecture. When you walk past the escape room building you can immediately look inside thanks to the many glass window in the front and you just know they have put some time in the décor and creation of the business (to this day I still think “the golden cage is one of the best names I have come across”. Once you enter you are greeted by the front desk helper and the welcome hall is full of plants and light wooden furniture that are very much deliberately chosen to put your mind at ease so you can prepare for the room.

When they explain everything to you they make sure everything Is well and thoroughly explained and they give you some time to maybe drink something, go to the restroom or just talk a bit. There are some mini puzzles on the table in front of you to already activate your thinking brain and before you know it the Game Master calls your group and you’re instructed to stand under a red light “once it turn green you can go through the door”. So you patiently wait and once it turns green, you open the door and disappear into the darkness and the unknown. What happened next? Well … you have to find out for


What I can say is that the experience is nothing like you have seen before. The décor and the blending of going from the “real” world into the room is so good you almost forget you’re in a building. The decor, the sounds, the lighting and even the smell has been perfectly crafted so you have no doubt that it fits the whole story and aesthetic. The puzzles are so well integrated into the story and the flow that you start to feel like a true detective and adventurer with every puzzle that you solve. Also for the less puzzle minded there is plenty look around and be astounded by as there might be some hints strewn around for several things, so looking around is definitely a must!!

As for the rest. I’m afraid I can’t say more before I would spoil anything. But as far as rating goes..

Video above is property of De Gouden Kooi (The Golden Cage)


  • Most puzzles are well integrated into the story. You don’t always have the feeling you’re solving a puzzle that has been placed deliberately.

  • The story line is not something new, but how they delivered it and presented it something I have seen very few rooms do.

  • Staff is well trained and capable of getting you in the mood of the room.

  • Décor is just magnificently done, everything is well thought out and well crafted.

  • As for the flow you are almost never lost of confused what you need or what you have to do to continue.

  • Some Very unique puzzles that I have either never seen or is so heavily modified they feel new.


  • There are 1 or 2 puzzle that could have been better integrated into the story.

  • Some puzzles where some inexperienced players might stumble upon.

  • What could heighten the intro would be that the game master would wear some costume or something theme wise?


YES! Absolutely yes!. This room is a must have for all escape room enthusiasts. There is a reason this room has climbed in the rankings or Terpeca from 27th to 22nd . This room is also a masterclass for every builder on how to build atmosphere and a how to bring a story to life without falling flat at the end. I do recommend not to play this room as your very first because it can be a bit tricky and it’s so much more satisfying to get through it completely on your own and also if you play this as your first room, you kind of set the bar for all the other rooms you are about to play… and it would be a very high bar to beat!!

Also... we beat the record and it's still there!!


  • Underground parking lot (2 euros/45 Mins.)

  • This game can be played in French or English


(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

De Gouden Kooi (The Golden Cage) - The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus


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