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iDventure - "Cluebox - Schrodinger's Cat" & "Cluebox - Davy Jones Locker"

Updated: Apr 30

Photo above is property of iDventure

Company: iDventure

Country: Germany 🇩🇪

Language: English

Type of Game: Tabletop Games 📬

Genre: Adventure, Mystery

Date Played: January 23, 2022

Difficulty (based on 1 player): 6/10

Size of Team: 1-2 players

Time: 60-90 Minutes


Game: Schrodinger's Cat

Price: $41.99


In "Schrodinger’s Cat", based off the thought experiment by physicist Erwin Schrodinger, his cat is currently locked in the box and due to Schrodinger’s busy routine, has completely forgot about the cat. To save the cat, we must get the box open.

Video above is property of iDventure


Photo above is property of iDventure

Game: Davy Jones Locker

Price: $49.99


In "Davy Jones Locker", the legend speaks of a sea devil, Davy Jones, who locks away the wandering souls of the poor sailors who perish at sea. It is told that in each sunken ship there is a replica of the locker and whoever is able to open it will free all the souls trapped inside. Nobody has ever been able to open the box. Will you be the one to set the souls free?

Video above is property of iDventure



The boxes fit snuggly into the package which has the information about the boxes and are designed thematically. Both boxes are made completely out of birch wood and look beautiful with cryptic engravings on them. Each box also has some parts that move or look like they should move but we will have to figure out how along the way.

Schrodinger's Cat photos above are property of iDventure

Davy Jones Locker photos above are property of iDventure


As you make progress, each piece you unlock will provide a clue on what you should focus on next. Make sure to be gentle with your pulls and do some wiggling too. Sometimes things need to line up perfectly for it to slide or move. The box was quite durable as I was rotating it in my hands to check out all sides. That being said, I wouldn’t smash it or force anything though.

"Schrodinger’s Cat" was iDventure’s first Cluebox followed by "Davy Jones Locker" and it looks like they continued to improve. I found the theming for Schrodinger’s Cat a little lacking but Davy Jones Locker definitely had a larger pirate theme laid out around the box. Also, the hint system for Schrodinger’s Cat just went straight to the solution but for Davy Jones Locker, they went with a better leveling hint system before giving you the solution. There was also a nice reset guide at the end of each.

Schrodinger's Cat photos above are property of iDventure

Davy Jones Locker photos above are property of iDventure


As I examined the boxes each time I played, one nice feature they each had was an easy “START” engraving that will tell you where to begin. A bulk of the puzzles required searching, observation, deciphering symbols and trying to figure out the cryptic instructions to proceed onto the next step. I did find "Schrodinger’s Cat" a little more straight forward with better cluing of the puzzles, but Davy Jones’ Locker had more satisfying solves and surprises along the way.


Each of these boxes were assembled by hand and my mind cannot fathom how they work. I was very impressed each time I solved one puzzle which ended up making other pieces move for the next puzzle. My engineering brain is tempted to take it apart and try to understand it but knowing there will probably be extra parts when I try to reassemble it. I played on my own because these are small boxes (about 4” all around) and would not be easy for too many people to see. You could probably play with 2 and still have an enjoyable time. These were a quicker type of game which I was able to finish each game separately in just under an hour but the tangible feeling of an escape room type game that could be played at home was what really made this game a pleasurable experience.


Cluebox - Schrodinger's Cat

Cluebox - Davy Jones Locker

(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)


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