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Puzzled Escape Games - "Coffee Cup Puzzles" and "The Box from the Future"

Updated: Apr 28

Some Photos below were provided by Puzzled Escape Games

Company: Puzzled Escape Games

Country: USA 🇺🇸

Language: English

Type of Game: Puzzles By Mail 📬

Date Played: 2/6/2021


Game: Coffee Cup Puzzles

Genre: Detective

Difficulty (based on 2 players): 5/10

Size of Team: Unlimited (Suggested 1-3 ppl) (Age 12+)

Time: 1-2 hours (Approximately)

Price: $40.00


Someone has been stealing coffee from your client. She has reached out to see if you can help her crack this case! But before she can entrust you with the case, you'll need to pass her test first...


"Coffee Cup Puzzles" came in a well protected cardboard box. Inside you'll find 4 coffee cups. Each cup is 11 oz. On the cups, there are words and images of puzzles.

After game play, I put them all in the dishwasher and they seem to be dishwasher safe. There were no deterioration of the images after several washes.


Start with the cup that has a QR code on it, Once you scan the code, you'll be led to a website where you'll receive an intro video of the backstory and instructions to your first puzzle.

You'll need to solve all 4 cups (each cup took us about 5-10 minutes to solve) in order to proceed with more puzzles on the website. Each time you solved a puzzle, a video will appear, giving you more depth into the storyline.

Answers are to be entered on the website. If you get stuck, there are hints and solutions on the website as well.


The puzzles were quite easy on the cups. Think of that as a warm up. Most of the puzzles were riddles, word play, emoji, etc...We did have to Google search some phrases that we were not familiar with. Once you get to the online puzzles, it'll be a bit more challenging. There will be a few deduction and Math problems. We found that it was easier to print out the pages rather than opening up multiple screens as you'll need to refer back and forth on the information given. The portal was quite easy to use and the videos tied the stories together quite nicely.


Embedding puzzles on a coffee cup is such a clever idea. After game play, you can utilize these cups everyday for drinks. After awhile, when you don't remember the puzzles anymore, you can even replay the game again. And if you decide not to use the cups, you can gift it away to friends!


Game: The Box from the Future

Genre: Sci-Fi, Mystery

Difficulty (based on 2 players): 6/10

Size of Team: Unlimited (Age 12+)

Time: 2 Hours (Approximately)

Price: $50.00


Something bad is happening in the future. Dr. Milo has sent us a box from the future in hopes that we'll solve the puzzles in it in order to stop the individual who's going to cause a catastrophe. We must hurry!


"The Box from the Future" came in a "tin foil" protected cardboard box as if it had just travelled through a time machine. Make sure you go to the website that's imprinted on the top of the box cover before starting the game. Inside the box you'll receive a wooden box with a lock, CD cover, small map, napkin, business card, a pin and other small paper clue items. It would be helpful if a check list could be provided as we only realized that we were missing items after we checked the hint system.


Before opening the box, you'll be directed to a website. The website is the portal that connects you to the future and this is how you'll communicate with the team there. It's a fun concept and we enjoyed the humor from the character's stories. The portal is also quite easy to use. We did encounter one incident where the answer had to be very specific but most of time, it was able to recognize our submissions.

You'll need to utilize Google search and maps for some puzzle components. If you're an international player, please note that you'll need to dial a US number at some point during the game.

If you get stuck, there is a nudging hint system on the website. I'm not sure if we received an updated game or an old version of the game but a few puzzles hints were not matching up to our puzzle solutions.


The puzzles felt too generic and basic for us. Most of the puzzles were simple one step puzzles and many answers were really obvious and easily guessable. Since we had one item missing and it was the first item that was needed to start the meta puzzle, it also confused us on what we're looking for. Moreover, we played this game after the coffee cup puzzles and also saw some repeated usage of word play and riddles. We were hoping to see some variations in puzzle types with this game.


For the price, we felt like the props could be upgraded to better quality. The puzzles were not really our cup of tea but we did enjoy the story concept and the comedic skits from the characters. If you are a beginner and just started exploring the tabletop game world, perhaps this could be a good place to start.


*** We regret to inform this company has closed its doors ***

Disclosure: We thank Puzzled Escape Games for providing us with a sample of their game. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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