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REMOTE: Brain In A Cage - "Stranger Story"

Updated: Apr 23

Brain In A Cage
Brain In A Cage - Stranger Story

Photos provided by Brain In A Cage

Company: Brain In A Cage

Game: Stranger Story

Country: Italy 🇮🇹

Language: English, Italian

Type of Game: Remote Escape Room 🗣

Genre: Mystery

Date Played: 7/6/2020

Difficulty (based on 2 players): 6/10

Size of Team: 2-6 Players

Time: 60 Minutes

Price: €60 Up to 4 players (email to inquire about pricing for additional players)

It was 1984 in the state of Indiana. There were strange occurrences happening in town ever since the government had established several Hawkins National Laboratories in some selected residential homes. One of them was our friend William's. He recently got sick and was sent to the hospital. We have an hour to investigate his house and figure out what HNL has been up to.

The story was sent to us in an PDF attachment by email in the booking confirmation. Since currently they don't have a video intro, we suggest reading the PDF prior to the game to get an idea of the back story. At a first glance, you won't be able to detect any "peculiarity" to the room. It felt like a normal living room in a regular house. However, you should definitely expect a few surprises down the road (since I'm sure by now you should have figured out that this game was inspired by the show "Stranger Things").

It was nice to feel the progression of the difficulty of the puzzles starting from the easier ones to the more difficult ones later on. As we've played a bunch of Italian escape companies' games, we noticed their main focus was mostly on the theme and the story but not so much on the puzzles. This Italian company felt like they had a good balance between the two (which as puzzle lovers we really appreciated it). There was quite a bit of reading in the room which we thought not having an inventory portal made it harder. Currently the game master had to step in to help with "directing" us to the right information. This took away the feeling of us discovering the information on our own. Majority of the room didn't really need the inventory portal but it would've definitely make things easier by providing just the necessary clues that were needed to solve the puzzle (especially for a larger group). Our avatar (who's also part owner of the company), Stefano was very quick on his feet. We were able to escape with around 8 minutes left on the clock. Our favorite part was the ending. It was a nice "scenery" change and all the puzzles gave the finale a nice completion. After figuring out what was causing the strange occurrences in our friend William's house, we left with a satisfying smirk on our faces.


*** This game can no longer be played as a remote game but you can still book it as an in-person experience. ***

(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank Brain In A Cage for comping our tickets for this game. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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