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REMOTE: Lost Escape - "The End?"

Updated: Apr 23

Lost Escape
Lost Escape - "The End?"

Videos/ Photos provided by Lost Escape

Company: Lost Escape

Game: The End?

Country: Lithuania 🇱🇹

Language: English, Lithuanian

Type of Game: Remote Escape Room 🗣

Genre: Horror

Date Played: 1/19/2021

Difficulty (based on 4 players): 4.5/10

Size of Team: 4-6 Players

Time: 60 Minutes

Price: € 10/ pp


You and your team have been bought here to try to stop a curse. The old abandoned cabin near the Seniava cemetery has been causing trouble for locals for years. Anyone who's lived there ended their lives in tragedy. Will you be able to save the souls of the villagers by stabbing a dagger into the demon's heart? Or will your fate end here as well?


We played the online version of this game with a live avatar. The back story was send prior to the game along with some attached PDF images. There weren't too many items that would've required an inventory system in this room so the still imaged worked with this game.

The avatar did a great job giving us a tour of the room. One suggestion we have for her would be to "automate" the search more for experienced groups. There shouldn't be a need to inform every single commend as at times it felt like the game was purposely dragged to be longer.

Lost Escape usually do a great job at set design (they won our Bullseye Award for "set design" last year for their "The Steampunk Adventure" room). We really liked how a semi-creepy entrance to the cabin got incrementally "darker" as we went on with the game.


The puzzles were quite easy but a lot of them needed more of a physical challenge than logic. These types of puzzles would be quite fun in person but it doesn't translate as well for online play. There's one puzzle that didn't really have much logic behind it so it was a pure "trial and error". Most of the time, we're repeatedly directing the avatar to do a similar movement and all we can do is watch. It's probably quite tiring for the avatar to be running back and forth so many times as well. These puzzles might need to be cut shorter for the online version as the sequence is quite long. We did enjoy watching the special effects that would happen whenever these actions were completed.


Lost Escape focuses a lot on their set design and we love that. Since we're unable to enjoy those physical puzzles remotely,, we would love to see a bit more variations of puzzles being implemented. An inventory portal might help with some audio component of the game as well. This would increase player's participation rather than putting all the hard work on the avatar. Perhaps added some more video/character play can also enhance the eerie story line. Of course, we would love to play there in person one day!

𝔼𝕊ℂ𝔸ℙ𝔼𝕋ℍ𝔼ℝ𝕆𝕆𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕤❜ ℙ.𝕀.𝕤❜ 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤

Jasmin H.

The End? Was my third virtual escape room experience and it was so much fun! The Game Master was very friendly and extremely quick to understand our ideas and directions. Even though our group was sometimes enthusiastically overlapping each other with suggestions on what to do next, she navigated that so well. It had a creepy cabin feel, with good set design, and there was a visual part that I was really impressed by!!! It was something so prominent in the first room that completely caught me by surprise when the cool thing happened. Very well done, creepy but also funny! I enjoyed the more intuitive puzzles in the beginning, and am proud to say that I solved ONE thing. (My awesome group did the rest.) I can honestly say that apart from one thing, this room was so enjoyable virtually that I actually think I prefer playing it that way. There was one part towards the end, where there was a lot of manual solving of something that took quite a bit of time, which was slow because each move had to be communicated - camera and GM moving, doing what was required over and over, which got a little tedious and would probably have been more fun in person. Other then that, I think it translated so well - and again, the Game Master did really good :)


Samantha W.

I thought that the presenter was great, patient and helpful when needed but not so much as to ruin the experience. The puzzles were plentiful and varied and I liked that there was a coherent storyline/theme to the room. My only possible slight criticism was that for a remote escape room I struggled to actually see some of the symbols very well so this was a slight hindrance to solving the puzzles..

Lost Escape - "The End?"

(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank Lost Escape for comping our tickets for this game. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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