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Writer's pictureCici Cao

REMOTE: NW Escape Experience - "Ronnie's House"

Updated: Apr 6

Videos/ Photos provided by NW Escape Experience

Company: NW Escape Experience

Game: Ronnie's House

Country: USA 🇺🇸

Language: English

Type of Game: Remote Escape Room 🗣

Genre: Horror

Date Played: 4/14/2021

Difficulty (based on 5 players): 5/10

Size of Team: 4-10 players

Time: 60 Minutes

Price: $35/PP


You finally managed to escape from the basement that Ronnie kept you in. Little did you know that this crazy serial killer has planned an entire game for you to play up in his house. Hopefully you can outsmart the Vantucky Ripper?


Our game started in Zoom with an intro video explaining to us that a reporter Katie Miller had gone missing and the Vantucky Ripper is the prime suspect. Once the video ended, Katie showed up on our screen crying for help. I would be freaking out too if I was inside a creepy house with bloody hand prints and severed body parts everywhere. As we started searching around for things that could help us escape, we would find items left by previous victims. These would then be added to our inventory system in Telescape.

The set design was on point. The lightning outside the window, gory body parts and hidden passageways perfectly complimented a serial killer's lair. I was surprised by the amount of space we're able to explore. This really opened up the playground for the "cat and mouse" chase. We totally felt the heart racing moments when Katie was being chased by Ronnie in the house.


NW Escape Experience did a great job with translating interactive puzzles that players would be able to do in person to online. In Telescape, we're able to move items around, watch videos and combine clues. It's nice to be able to do these puzzles ourselves rather than watch and direct the GM. One of my favorite puzzles was towards the end. It's not a difficult puzzle per se but I can imagine Ronnie making it "difficult" for us. We finished the game with 10 minutes and 50 seconds left but I think if we're playing there in person, it would probably last longer since we will have to account for "hide and seek" time with Ronnie.


It's quite difficult to translate horror rooms to online but our GMs (there are two of them) did a great job delivering us those jump scare moments. At times it felt like Ronnie was watching over her shoulders as she's inputting codes. I'm quite glad to be able to play this game at the comfort of our home. If you're a horror fan, you probably want to play this game at their physical location, I know for a fact Ronnie will really enjoy your company....


*** This game can no longer be booked as a remote game but can still be booked as an in-person experience ***

(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank NW Escape Experience for comping our tickets for their games. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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