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Sherlock's Escapes - "Surviving Summer Camp"

Updated: Apr 25

Photos provided by Sherlock's Escapes

Company: Sherlock's Escapes

Game: Surviving Summer Camp

Country: Canada 🇨🇦

Language: English

Type of Game: Audio Escape Room 👂

Genre: Adventure

Date Played: 6/22/2020

Difficulty (based on 4 players): 5.5/10

Size of Team: 2-6 Players

Time: 70 Minutes

Price: $13.99 CAD/ pp

As a team of four, we attempted Sherlock's Escapes's audio escape game, "Surviving Summer Camp". The back story was that our rival camp, Camp Blackwood, had a gang of pranksters that was causing trouble for our camp, Camp Watson. We had to stop them before our summer gets ruined!

The format of this audio escape game was very similar to a lot of the other ones we've tried. We were presented with colorful PDF drawings and after the intro story, we were able to freely explore. Our host, Matt, did a great job with the narration. We had some very "creative" teammates on that day but he was still able to quickly come up with funny and intuitive responses. There was a point in the game we felt like a lot of time was used on searching. We didn't feel like there were enough puzzles within the 70 minute game. A few items were not drawn on the PDF itself so we had to imagine them in a real life situation. It would've been quite difficult for new players to come up on it on their own without a hint.

Audio escape rooms definitely have their own type of audience. A lot of our D&D and RPG friends really like them. The success of the game heavily depends on two factors: the game master being able to portray the character and the players being engaging. We felt that these were achieved on the day that we played the game and that's what made it fun! If the company wants to capture a wider audience, we suggest adding more puzzles and perhaps even some video elements to make the game more unique.

(If you do decide to try this game, please remember to let them know that you heard it from"ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank Sherlock's Escapes for comping our tickets for this game. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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