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The Fantastic Factory (Manufactured by Golden Bear) - "Trapped Escape Room: The Bank Job"

Updated: Apr 29

Photos provided by The Fantastic Factory (Manufactured by Golden Bear)

Company: The Fantastic Factory (Distributed by Golden Bear)

Game: Trapped Escape Room Game Packs: The Bank Job

Country: United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Language: English

Type of Game: Puzzles By Mail 📬

Genre: Heist, Action

Date Played: 11/4/20

Difficulty (based on 2 players): 3/10

Size of Team: Unlimited (Recommend 2-6 players, Ages 8+).

Time: Unlimited (or use self timer). Approximately 1-2 hours of game play.

Price: $21.99


Our intel just informed us that a shipment of gold has just been delivered to the SOVO Bank. It's being locked in a secure vault and guarded by heavy surveillance. We have 60 minutes to figure out a way to crack the safe and get out of there with our gold!


The game came packaged in a travel size pocket bag. The paper bag could also be turned into a clipboard (clip included) so you could use it as a writing space as you roam around the room looking for clues. We were surprised by how many items came out of that little bag. There were: 1 instruction booklet, 1 book of clues, 1 clue reader, 1 SOVO Bank envelope, 1 Bank vault lock, 4 posters, 19 puzzle cards, 15 pressure sensors, 3 wobblers, 1 double sided sticky tape sheet, and 1 bulldog clip.


Following the game set-up instruction, we were able to turn our living room into an escape room. We use the double sided tape to put posters and puzzle cards in different areas of the room, hung the vault lock on a door, put the SOVO bank envelope inside the room and placed the pressure sensors. You'll need a scissor for some parts of the puzzle. It's best to cut those game pieces before starting the game. When everything is ready to go, we started the timer and went on hunting for clues like we would do in a real escape room. The graphics for the puzzles really made us feel like we're in a real bank. There were surveillance cameras, security schematics, bank vaults, safe boxes, and pressure sensors. It would've been nice if they had an option for some background music to intensify the experience (especially for the sensor part where I felt like I was playing an intense game of "Hopscotch" or "Twister" to get through security).


The puzzles were quite easy so kids could definitely have a lot of fun with this game. We didn't use any clues and was able to finish the game in well under an hour. We found that it was easier to solve the puzzles by taking down posters and clues that were associated with each other (I hope that did not count as cheating!). There were some decoding, pattern recognition and simple logic problems. If you are stuck, there's a clue booklet that you can use to guide you through solving the puzzles step by step. We liked how there's a clue decoder so you won't mistakenly see the answers right away.


This was the first tabletop game where we felt like it did not bind us to the table. We're very active throughout the game with searching and putting together clues. I even broke a little sweat during the pressure sensor part. It was a lot of fun to be able to set up an escape room at your own home these days since we haven't been able to travel to play at physical locations. We can't wait to be out and about again soon but for now, keep these games coming!


(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank The Fantastic Factory and Golden Bear for providing us with a sample of their game. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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