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YouEscape - "#1 Magnum Opus" & "#3 Electromagnetic Fields"

Updated: Apr 28

Videos/ Photos provided by YouEscape

Company: YouEscape

Country: Greece 🇬🇷

Language: English/ Greek

Type of Game: Live Stream Puzzles 💻

Size of Team: Unlimited (Recommend 4-5 ppl)

Price: $30.00/ team

YouEscape currently have 13 live stream puzzles options. They are constantly working on adding new puzzles to their website. You can chose to play a single game or join them on a subscription bases. The puzzles are set up on a table. You'll not need to do any searching like in a remote escape room. Everything you need will be in front of the camera. The game master will be providing hints to you based on the level of difficult you chose. Every game is different in terms of how many hints could be provided for the different levels. We suggest you ask and chose accordingly before starting the game.

Game: #1 Magnum Opus

Genre: Fantasy

Date Played: 6/22/2020

Difficulty (based on 2 players): 5.5/10

Time: 60 Minutes

We were very excited to check out YouEscape as we've heard a lot about them through our friends. The owner suggested that we give room #1 "Magnum Opus" a try. The story line for this room was based on a vanished alchemist and we had to discover the mystery behind his disappearance.

The live stream was hosted on Google Hangout. Our puzzles were displayed in front of us on a table. After some hesitation, we decided to go for the hard mode (you only live once!). For this game, hard mode means we'll be only getting two hints if we needed them. A google drive link with a few folders pertaining puzzle information was also sent to us prior to the start of the game. You can tell this format of the game was designed to appeal to puzzle lovers and enthusiasts. There weren't any "fancy" add ons like audio or visual effects. All the focus were on puzzle design. Most of the puzzles were also multi-step puzzles. We enjoyed this format more than we thought we would as we haven't done too many live stream puzzle type of games. As puzzle lovers ourselves, it was a well spent 35 minutes with our host, Nick. After the game, he informed us that the difficulty of the rooms does get harder as the room number goes up. We felt ready to take on the next challenge, or so we thought... Check out our thoughts on room 3 - "Electromagnetic Fields" below!


Game: #3 Electromagnetic Fields

Genre: Science

Date Played: 6/23/2020

Difficulty (based on 4 players): 8.5/10

Time: 90 Minutes

The name of the room "Electromagnetic Fields" made us feel like we needed back up. As this was also a harder room, we recruited our friends from Escape Room Adventurers to join us. Our mission was to fix the broken compass and find our way out of our own kingdom.

The set up was exactly the same as the previous game. The only difference was the level of difficulty definitely went up. Although the amount of puzzles were the same, the steps to get to the solution increased. In the previous game, we had some two step puzzles where as in this game some took four or five steps. At times I felt like I was back in high school again taking a hard science exam. As the timer slowly runs down, I felt sweat in the palm of my hands. In my mind I was thinking: "Why didn't I pay attention in Physics class?" Although outside knowledge was not needed, I did feel that you do have a little advantage on one of the puzzles if you knew a few theories. Maybe its the theme of this room or the type of puzzles, but we found this one less engaging than the first game we tried. At the same time we felt like we just had a science class and learned a thing or two. Ultimately we escaped with a few minutes left on the clock with a small nudge. If this theme is not your cup of tea, YouEscape have 12 others for you to chose from (including a murder mystery)!


(If you do decide to try this game, please remember to let them know that you heard it from"ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank YouEscape for comping our tickets for this game. Although a complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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